Youth Ministry
We are passionate about teenagers encountering God, making friends, growing together, and making a difference.
There is a place for teenagers at Evangelistic Center.
Every week we have an incredible time. Whether it’s throwing the largest beach ball dance party in Highland Township history or setting up jumps for X-Games gold medal winning motocross riders, we love to party. We are unashamed to worship God. We are a community that loves God and receives new life through Him. Lives are being changed here every week. We help students walk in true potential and overcome pain and struggles. It’s amazing to see students come here because they don’t know what to do but then they find Jesus.
developing the next-generation leaders
Parents, thank you for bringing your child to Evangelistic Center
Our team desires to serve your family by mentoring, leading, and helping your student take important next steps toward Jesus as they walk through their time in Middle School and High School.
Meeting Times
2nd & 4th Sundays at 10 AM