Man cave mondays

Date: Monday, March 10th (Every 2nd Monday of every month)

Time: 6PM 

Location: Evangelistic Center Church

Men of EC, you’re invited to Mancave Monday with the EC Men’s Fellowship on Monday, March 10th, at 6 PM downstairs in the Fellowship Hall. This will be a powerful time of fellowship, worship, impartation, and growth. Don’t miss this opportunity to connect, be encouraged, and grow together as men of faith. So, join us on March 10th and every 2nd Monday of the month for Man Cave Monday with the EC Men’s Fellowship!

Join us as we we have a great time! Can’t wait to see you there!

eC CLUBHOUSE bible study & fellowship

Event Date: Friday, March 14th                                           

Event Time: 6:00pm-8:00pm                                                     

Event Location: KC Public Library – Plaza

Come join the EC Clubhouse (Adult Group Ages 18-32) as we have a night full of food, community, & biblical devotion!


EC Church: Baptism Sunday

Event Date: Sunday March 30th

Event Time: 10am

Event Location: Evangelistic Center 

Join us for Baptism Sunday at EC Church on March 30th at 10 AM! Take the next step in your walk with Christ and participate in baptism! All are welcome to witness this special moment of spiritual transformation!

Sign up at the link below!

EC Kids Family Movie night

Event Date: Friday, March 21st                                                 

Event Time: 7PM                                                      

Event Location: Evangelistic Center

EC Kids & Family Movie Night is Friday, March 21st at 7pm. The movie will be held here at EC and a donation of $4 will provide you with a ticket, a drink, and some popcorn! Grab your family, wear something comfy, and let’s watch a movie! 

Life Group Cycle 1

Sign Up Is Open! Cycle 1 Starts January 10!                                                  

EC is a place where you can find community. We all need each other and that’s why we have Life Groups. Life Groups are less about what you do and more about who you do it with.  We invite you to join a Life Group. Life Groups are now accepting sign ups for the first cycle of 2025. 

If you would like to sign up for a Life Group, please click the link below.

growth track

Event Date: Every Sunday                                                          Event Location: Online 

Growth Track is a series of online courses designed to help you learn more about our church, discover your God-given gifts, and be connected to the body of Christ through Serve Teams and Life Groups that cater to your personality and ministry.

Sign up below to begin your next steps in self-discovery and spiritual enlightenment.